When I saw this quilt kit, I immediately thought of my Grandmother Wilbur. She loved white birch trees, and had several of them growing on the farm. There was a grove right next to the driveway and they were beautiful.

God's Eyes
Growing up in the city, I loved playing on my Grandparent's farm. I remember asking if I could go outside and play, and Grandma told me to play near the white birch trees. She said the 'eyes on the white birch trees are God's eyes and he'll keep watch over you while you play.' I loved that. I felt so safe as a little girl playing where God's eyes could keep a watch over me. Looking back, I now know that by having me play near the white birch trees she could see me outside her window, and keep a watch over me. It doesn't matter who watched over me, I was happy. I made this quilt and I drew in the God's eyes myself on the trees, and thought of my Grandma every time I drew one. This quilt reminds me of her, and of a time in my life of innocence and freedom to play on a farm under spacious blue skies and sunshine.